Respite Night
June 12
05:00 PM
FHC’s Special Needs ministry, Ex.C.E.L (Exceptionally Created, Eternally Loved), in partnership with Joni and Friends, is excited to invite your family to be part of Respite Night on Saturday, June 12th at our Waxhaw campus.
Respite Night is a time for parents and caregivers with children with disabilities (ages 4yr-12yr), to have a few hours away while their child and their siblings are cared for, and engaged by a team of Joni & Friends and FHC staff and volunteers who will provide a variety of fun activities including crafts, games, music and more!
At Forest Hill Church, we believe that individuals of all abilities have the opportunity to know & grow in a relationship with Jesus, experience community, and put their God-given gifts to use in serving Christ and others.
WHEN: June 12th, 5-8pm
WHERE: Waxhaw Campus